The Tatum Eyecare Dry Eye Clinic is dedicated to helping patients manage their lifetime battle with dry eye by reducing the day to day discomfort and visual fluctuations dry eye causes. You cannot cure dry eye but you can certainly manage and reduce its effects on your everyday life! If you feel your dry eye is affecting your quality of life, then please schedule an appointment with our Dry Eye Clinic. We will perform a Dry Eye evaluation, discuss your particular diagnosis and thoroughly go over your treatment options.
Dry eye symptoms include:
- Burning
- Redness
- Watering (yes, really)
- Light sensitivity
- Gritty or foreign body sensation
- Blurred or fluctuating vision
- Decreased contact lens comfort
Types of Dry Eye
There are 3 layers to your tear film, the mucin, aqueous and lipid layer. Dry eye is generally classified into two types depending on what layer of the tear film is deficient. Aqueous Deficiency is a reduction in the production of the aqueous layer. Evaporative dry eye is caused by a poor oil layer. This allows the aqueous layer to evaporate. Aqueous deficiency is relatively rare when compared to evaporative dry eye in that 85% of dry eye is classified as evaporative.
Aqueous Deficiency Dry Eye
Aqueous deficiency is caused by a failure of the lacrimal gland(s) to produce enough tears. The aqueous layer is the largest component of the tear film. Common causes include, autoimmune diseases such as Sjogrens, inflammatory diseases, hormonal changes and medications such as antihistamines. Treatment of the underlying condition is important in making an aqueous deficient patient more comfortable. Ocular treatment options include anti-inflammatory topical medications, artificial tears and punctal occlusion.
Evaporative Dry Eye
Evaporative dry eye is caused by Meibomian Gland Dysfunction. The meibomian glands (around 30 top and bottom adjacent to the eyelashes) are located in the lids and secrete an oily substance that sits on top of the tears. This thin oil layer is protective against the aqueous tear layer evaporating. When the glands are not functioning correctly they are unable to produce either the right consistency of oil or any oil at all. This results in rapid evaporation of the tears and that dry eye feeling. Those patients living in dry, arid climates like Arizona are much more susceptible to evaporative dry eye to begin with. Meibomian Gland Dysfunction can be caused by excess bacteria around the lashes, autoimmune disease, inflammatory disease like rosacea or lupus, and Demodex (lid mites). The incidence of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction increases with age.
Treatment Advances
There has been an explosion in new dry eye treatments over the last 5-10 years. Your eye doctor has more treatment options available now than ever before. Many of these advancements aim at treating the root cause of dry eye instead of just masking it with artificial tears. Current treatment options include, advanced pharmaceuticals, pulsed light, radio frequency waves, punctal occlusion, bacterial bio film removal and thermal pulsation of clogged oil glands.
Treatment options we offer at Tatum Eyecare
- Prescription topical drops including Restasis, Xiidra and Cequa
- Non-prescription therapeutic drops
- Non-prescription supplements
- Topical and oral antibiotics
- Temporary collagen and permanent silicone punctal plugs
- Blephex eyelid debridement and bio film remover
- iLux2 meibomian thermal gland expression
Punctal Plugs
Punctal plugs are small plugs made of either collagen or silicone which are placed into the tear drainage canal to slow down the body’s normal removal of tears. There is one punctum in the nasal corner of each of the four eyelids. Generally we only need to block the two lower lid punctum to obtain the desired effect. By doing so, the tears that we naturally produce or the artificial tears that we add, will stay on the ocular surface longer before being drained away. This is a quick 5 minute procedure and there is no awareness to the patient of the punctal plugs.
The iLux2 is classified as a thermal pulsation device. It is a hand held instrument that warms up the lids and the meibomian glands to a temperature where the oil inside can flow more easily. The instrument then gently massages the heated lids to express the oil out, opening any clogged glands. This oil is then free to spread out over the aqueous tears preventing evaporation.
The Blephex treatment is a relatively simple procedure with fast results. The Blephex tool has a high speed rotating sponge that exfoliates the skin at the base of the lashes. This removes debri, dead cells and bacterial biofilm from the area around the meibomian glands making the lid and the glands healthier.
Insurance and Pricing
Annual Dry Eye Evaluation (usually covered by insurance)
Procedure | Insurance | No Insurance |
Previous Pt. Medical Eval. | Can bill | $95 |
New Pt. Medical Eval. | Can bill | $115 |
Eyelid Photography | Can bill | $25 |
****Your initial Dry Eye Evaluation will include the Medical Evaluation and Eyelid Photography.
Price List For Initial Treatment Options After Dry Eye Evaluation
Procedure | Insurance | No Insurance |
MGD Thermal Pulsation iLux2 | No Coverage | $350 |
Blephex Eyelid Biofilm Removal | No Coverage | $125 |
Punctal Plugs | Can bill | $225/pair |
Pharmaceuticals | Insurance will cover some medications | |
Supplements | No Insurance Coverage |
Follow up Treatments over the following year if needed
Procedure | Insurance | No Insurance |
Medical F/U Evaluation | Can bill | $45 |
Eyelid Photography | Can bill | $25 |
MGD Thermal Pulsation iLux2 | No Coverage | $325 |
Blephex Eyelid Biofilm Removal | No Coverage | $100 |
****Typical treatments with iLux2 and Blephex are every 6 mo.
****A Medical F/U Evaluation will be performed at the time of the follow up treatments
****Anterior Photography will be performed at each follow up treatment